Created by Clearwater Inc, Mist is a line of refrigerator filters made to deliver highly visible results that surpass those achieved by most filters. Through a process of relentless innovation, they combine modern technology with deep consumer understanding to deliver a truly unique and effective solution. MIST hired iDesign to bring their products to life with messaging and a brand identity to surpass their competition and give them an edge in the marketplace.


A lot rides on the success of a product’s voice and packaging. We built a full brand in-sync with Mist’s strategic goals, and a full line of packaging for the various products of their line. The outcome not only looks modern, fresh and beautiful, it is informational and educates about what the product does, and what benefits it provide. Mist is now selling thousands of units in different platforms over the USA.

In Their Words...

iDesign is truly amazing. You guys gave us a beautiful cohesive foundation from which to grow. Our new packaging helped sales soar within a few months of launch. Thank you!

Sean Bradey CEO Mist

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